I have been thinking about creating this site for quite a while. I wanted to have a place that would give me reason to hone my writing skills as I discussing various aspects of developing software solutions that I find interesting. So as this site begins to fill with content you will start to see all manner of things discussed here but they will all be focused around the craft of building things in software. From React and css grid systems to assembly language to agile (yes, I often geek out on project management types of things as well!) my thoughts and reflections will be kept here.
Why did I chose the name “ServiceOriented”? I thought it was clever, but also because much of what I have done over the course of my career has been based upon Service Oriented Architectures of one type or another. The other major reason I chose this name is because I think it draws attention to the fact that as developers we need to be sure that the software we create is providing a valuable service to our users. If we are not keeping that focus on things then we are not doing our jobs as the builders of these systems.
That is all for now. I must go create some real content for the next update!